Set free from the printed page

So for us then, the move away from the printed page and into on-line social media photography was a step into freedom.
It means we are free to exploit all the subtlety of graphic design without having to worry about colours of ink or blurred printing.

...along with freedom came obligation!

However, along with this freedom of expression comes an obligation to our clients ... an obligation to create images with greater depth of meaning.
Because the graphics are so clear and accurate, image layering (putting one image on top of another) became the default requirement for our clients for a while.
It was a passing fad, and we have returned to crystal clear single layer images that convey a sometimes subtle, but always very specific message.

...but then the people spoke!

No matter how good our images were, our clients were finding that still image advertising was being ignored by viewers. People (potential customers) were simply scrolling past their adverts.
It became clear that what grabs viewer attention is movement ... animation.
A fact which gave commercial photographers a whole new world of challenges...
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